The Covid-19 crisis has spread in the 3rd wave, causing Thai education to be interrupted. In this epidemic, schools have to postpone the opening of the new semester. Although schools have tried to find a solution in the past by adjusting the teaching to online learning, there are still too many students who do not have access to devices and reliable broadband and live-in home environments that are not conducive to virtual learning. Therefore, there are meaningful discussions about how Thai education should proceed in this situation.
From a study of countries in Europe, many countries have begun to change teaching styles during the Covid-19 situation in different ways. One of the popular teaching styles practised in many institutions is Outdoor Learning or Outdoor Classroom, which means teaching and learning by using areas outside the classroom such as outdoor courtyards and parks.
From research and experience, outdoor learning can fulfil academic, health and economic needs — during this pandemic and long after. Spending time outdoors is vital to students’ intellectual, physical and mental well-being. Outdoor environments have better air quality than indoor ones. Conditions in an open space like wind and sunlight can reduce the amount of virus present and spread — hence, natural social distancing. There can be less disruption in the lives of students and families if schools can safely accommodate students through outdoor learning. Children can do activities in the way they expect, learn from real-life situations, get more effective results than general classroom learning.
All learning is vital, whether it takes place indoors or outdoors. However, during the pandemic, the outdoor classrooms can be a more effective and stimulating place to learn and the key to reopening schools.
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